Seachem Flourish Iron



Seachem Flourish Iron is a highly concentrated and superior quality supplement that provides a rich source of iron for your aquatic plants. This product is designed to cater to the iron requirements of plants, which is necessary for their healthy growth and development. Flourish Iron is different from most iron supplements because it uses a ferrous state (Fe+2) of iron, which can be easily absorbed and utilized by plants. This ensures that your plants get the maximum benefit from each dose. It is also free from phosphate or nitrate, making it safe for all types of aquatic life. This product is perfect for those who want to maintain a vibrant and lush aquatic garden. Regular use of Flourish Iron will result in greener, healthier plants with strong root systems and vibrant leaves. It helps in preventing yellow, decaying leaves, a common sign of iron deficiency. Seachem Flourish Iron is easy to use, with a recommended dosage of 5 mL for every 200 L (50 US gallons) or as required to maintain the iron concentration. It doesn't affect the pH level of the water, making it a hassle-free addition to your aquarium maintenance routine. In summary, Seachem Flourish Iron is a valuable addition to any aquarium. It offers a simple and effective solution to iron deficiency, promoting the overall health and beauty of your aquatic plants. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this product will help you maintain a thriving underwater garden.
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